This week’s implementation is brought to you by the CRM Zen show featuring Brett Martin & Tyler Colt. Tyler shares this week a Zenatta Internal implementation applied to our own CRM. We needed a way to track revenue through a subscription service inside the deal module inside our CRM.
Here are some keynotes from the video as we try to completely automate a subscription workflow through Zoho CRM and Zoho Subscriptions:
- Automated creation of child Deals to track subscription revenue along with traditional Deal revenue, by a pressing a button in the parent Deal.
- A Parent Deal is then created to represent the subscription, and hours the customer is entitled to in this subscription.
- No revenue attributed to this parent Deal.
- The script automatically creates a child Deal underneath parent Deal each month to attribute revenue evenly over the course of a subscription.
- A script also updates hours on file for subscription each month.
- Next step: automatic trigger of this script via subscription renewal that will involve automation using.