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Simplify CRM Testing with Zoho CRM Sandbox

Zoho CRM Sandbox offers a safe environment to test and refine your CRM configurations without disrupting your live data. Whether you’re tweaking fields, automations, or custom workflows, Sandbox ensures your updates are perfect before going live. Let’s dive into how you can make the most of Zoho CRM Sandbox.

What is a Sandbox?

A Sandbox is a testing environment within Zoho CRM where you can experiment with configurations and customizations without affecting the actual, live system used by your team. It allows you to safely build, test, and validate changes before deploying them to the production environment. This means you can make adjustments, test new features, and perfect your CRM setup without any risks to your day-to-day operations.

How to Use Sandbox in Zoho CRM

To use Sandbox in Zoho CRM, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Sandbox: Navigate to the setup section in Zoho CRM. Under “Data Administration,” select “Sandbox.”
  2. Create a New Sandbox: Click “Create New Sandbox.” Name your Sandbox and provide a description for clarity. This helps differentiate multiple sandboxes if you have more than one running simultaneously.
  3. Choose Configuration and Data: Decide whether to include just configurations (like fields, settings, and workflows) or a subset of data. You can opt for sample data or a subset of your live data, depending on your testing needs.
  4. Assign Users: Add users who need access to the Sandbox. Typically, you start with admin or development users and may add key end-users for testing.
  5. Make Changes: Once in the Sandbox, you can make various changes such as adding fields, creating workflows, or configuring automations. Remember, communications like emails or automated notifications won’t go out from Sandbox, so it’s a safe space to test without interruptions.
  6. Deploy to Production: After testing, you can deploy changes to the production environment. The system will guide you through deploying, handling any conflicts, such as duplicate fields, by offering options to resolve them.
  7. Monitor Deployments: Use the deployment logs to track what has been moved from Sandbox to production, ensuring everything aligns as expected.

Other Use Cases for Sandbox

Zoho CRM Sandbox is not just for testing minor changes. It’s perfect for:

  • Testing Integrations: Safely test integrations with other apps without affecting the live environment.
  • Training: Use Sandbox to train new users on the CRM without risking any data.
  • Complex Configurations: For larger updates or complicated workflows, Sandbox allows thorough testing before applying them to your live system.
  • Testing New Features: Evaluate new Zoho CRM features or customizations without impacting your daily operations.

Need Help with Your Zoho CRM Installation?

If setting up or managing your Zoho CRM feels overwhelming, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team at is here to help with every aspect of your Zoho CRM installation. Click the “Book a Meeting” button on our website, and let’s chat about your needs.


What is Zoho CRM Sandbox used for?

Zoho CRM Sandbox is used for testing changes to your CRM configurations without impacting your live data, ensuring updates are error-free before deployment.

Can I use real data in Sandbox?

Yes, you can use a subset of your production data or sample data in the Sandbox. This helps in realistic testing scenarios without affecting live operations.

How do I deploy changes from Sandbox to production?

After testing in the Sandbox, select the changes and deploy them directly to the production environment. The system handles the process, highlighting any conflicts for you to resolve.

Are all Zoho CRM features supported in Sandbox?

Most features are supported, but some, like Marketplace plugins or integrations with other Zoho products, may not work in Sandbox. Always verify if your needed features are compatible. Zoho is constantly improving Sandbox adding more features every quarter.

How often should I use Sandbox for changes?

It’s best practice to use Sandbox for all significant changes, even minor ones. This ensures you have a safety net and can avoid unexpected issues in your live CRM environment.

Billy Bates

Senior Web Developer

Billy is a Wordpress Developer with an eye for design. His knowledge will help our company website and client sites meet their goals. Billy and his young family have just moved to Ashland Oregon, and are looking forward to exploring the area’s amazing beer, wine, and food. He also has a passion for synthesizers and drum machines.

Lucas Sant'Anna


With a background in Operations Research and Data Analysis, Lucas is a Brazilian programmer that likes to get stuff done quickly and reliably. In previous jobs, he implemented industrial job scheduling, fleet management and detailed long-haul route optimization – among other data-driven processes – to reach objectives of increased profit and reduced wasted resources. His goal is to make Zoho fully automated and with more meaningful data for spot-on decisions.

